Monday, April 26, 2010

Not the first time!

This is not the first time that the environment has been sacrificed for wealth. Think about the rain forest for a second... The rain forest has been destroyed due to logging, farming, colonization, and more! We all know that this is now a HUGE problem and now we are trying to fix it. I know that everyone has seen ads and commercials about saving the rain forest right? Why would we want to cause the same problem in ANWR? Lets just save ourselves the trouble of trying to go back and fix our mistakes and just not even do it in the first place!

No Drilling!

So we all now know how beautiful ANWR is but you may not know that the ecosystem is very fragile there. ANWR is extremely long and skinny and this gives animals that live there not very many alternate places to live. Also, The climate is very harsh and if we messed something up with the animals there, the climate would give them virtually no time to recover. And wait a second.. aren't we trying to become more environmentally friendly anyway?Why not start here? We don't want to lose sight of this important thing we are trying to achieve here. ANWR is "untouched" so lets keep it that way!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

People in ANWR

Like a said a couple of days ago, there are also people in ANWR. I am sure a lot of people think ANWR is only inhabited by animals, i did when i first heard about this issue, but there is not. the two main groups of people are the Inupiat Eskimos and the Gwich'in Indians. The Indians live in 15 different villages that span from ANWR all the way to Canada. they depend on the Caribou that come to ANWR to breed, without these caribou, the Indians would be in trouble because they are very traditional people who would not want to change their ways. The Eskimos hunt the whale, oxen, and other animals that could relocate it there was drilling here. Both of these groups of people have lived here for many many years and we would not want to force them to change their ways just to get MAYBE a years worth of oil. So for those of you who do not care that much about hurting the animals, this could be hurting people too!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Watch this movie!

Who killed the Electric car is a great movie. Its actually kind of sad. The movie talks about what actually happened to the electric car and why it did not catch on. It talks about who was behind the "death" of this car. You might be surprised!

Monday, April 12, 2010

A little background

This post is going to talk about the background of ANWR. ANWR stands for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. It is a beautiful "untouched" piece of land in the northeastern corner of Alaska. ANWR is 19 million acres large. It consists of tall spruce trees, birch trees, tundra, mountains, and beaches. The part in ANWR that is being looked at for drilling is 1.5 acres large and is home to many animals and people. You may not find such beautiful surroundings anywhere else.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

EV commercials!

So I am loving the fact that i have seen not one but two electric car commercials today. This is the direction our world needs to be going in. The first commercial i saw was for the Chevy Volt and the second was for the Nissan Leaf. Personally I like the Nissan better and I plan to get one when I need a new car. this is the main soultion that i am focusinf one when it comes to ANWR. We will not need to drill if we are not even using any oil!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Animals in ANWR

So i wanted to tell you about all the different animals there are in ANWR. There are polar bears, caribou, birds, fish, moose, whales, wolves and soo many other things! The caribou that live here are called porcupine caribou and ONLY breed here. If people were to mess this land up, they could actually become extinct. Polar bears make their dens here and many species of birds make thier nests here in the Spring and Summer. So please, DO NOT DRILL IN ANWR! i really do not want to see any more sad animal commercials!!!!
I hate those really sad animal commercials....they should have one about what would happen if people drilled in ANWR....

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hello! Sorry its been soo long since my last post. I have been so busy with all my classes that i kind of forgot :( But i remembered today! So to update i am writing this to let everyone know about ANWR, The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This beautiful piece of land is being speculated for drilling of oil. First of all, I thought we were trying to get more involved in alternative energy sources and more fuel efficient. This is not going to help that. Second of all, ANWR is beautiful and many animals only live and breed here. The main thing i will be talking about is one of the many solutions to this speculated problem- The Electric Car.