Monday, May 3, 2010


This will be my farewell post. Today is the day my blog is due! Hallelujah! This blog has been a good experience for me. Its something i am glad i know how to do now. So for the people who have been following me, if any, i thank you. This problem does mean a lot to me. There are not many places left in the world that are as beautiful and untouched as ANWR is. Many people and animals could lose their homes if there was to be drilling in ANWR but hopefully this blog got you thinking about the future. Electric cars are the future. We need them for so many different reasons and it would definitely help out the ANWR situation a lot. So please, always keep this issue in your mind. We do not want any more oil spills to happen like BP and Exxon Valdeez. If we were to drill, it is a huge possibility. Let us keep our world as beautiful as we can and not drill in ANWR! Again, thank you for those who have followed me on this important issue! To learn more about this issue and how to help click this link.

Oil Spill

I am sure everyone has heard about the disastrous oil spill that happened in the Gulf of Mexico. This spill is even worse than the Exxon Valdez! BP was the oil company that caused the spill...BP is using chemicals to break up the oil but people are figuring out that this could cause many environmental problems. "On Thursday BP began using the chemical compounds to dissolve the crude oil, both on the surface and deep below, deploying an estimated 100,000 gallons. Dispersing the oil is considered one of the best ways to protect birds and keep the slick from making landfall. But the dispersants contain harmful toxins of their own and can concentrate leftover oil toxins in the water, where they can kill fish and migrate great distances". BP has bought pretty much the entire supply of this dispersant and it could actually run out. Then what would they do? This chemical they are using is known to cause headaches, puking, and problems with reproduction. People say it could have a worse affect than the actual oil! Stuff like this makes me so sad. This is causing many fisherman who get there money from the fish they catch to not make any money..Now, this is the same thing they would be doing in ANWR..why would we want to risk the beautiful land and rare species of this area?

People of ANWR: Inupiat Eskimos

There is also another group of people who live here called the Inupiat Eskimos. The Inupiat Eskimos that live in ANWR hunt the whales, musk oxen, and other animals that also live there. If we were to drill, this could possibly cause these animals to relocate and for the Eskimos to change their ways as well as the way they have been living for many years. These people may not like huge oil drills in their front yards. So for those people who do not care so much about animals, this will be hurting humans too.

People of ANWR:Gwich'in Indians

The Gwich'in Indians live in 15 different villages that span from ANWR all the way to Canada. They depend on the Porcupine Caribou that migrate there to breed. If we did drill in ANWR, it would disrupt the Caribou and may cause them to go somewhere else to breed. The Gwich’ins are very traditional people and would be forced to change their ways if this were to happen. They are the most talkative about the drilling in ANWR. In 1988, eight Gwich'in elders from Alaska and Canada representing 15 primarily Canadian villages, unanimously voted to oppose ANWR development. They say that drilling in ANWR will harm the Caribou that breed there. There are people here too!


I really can not believe that I am done with my freshman year in college! Its a really good feeling. When i started this year, I was an education major. I realized that being a teacher is more work than it worth so i changed my major to Recreation. I want to be an event planner. I am planning on trying to intern with an event planner in Savannah next Summer. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know! But this Summer could not come faster! This year flew by but its time for it to be over.

Drillling won't lower gas prices!

Drilling in ANWR will not lower gas prices! Many people think it will but it will not! Increased demand is what is making gas prices high. The DOE predicts that between 2010 and 2015 oil demand will increase by over 7% and 30% by 2030. The US only has 3% of oil supply here so tapping into ANWR wouldn't even make a difference at all! Really the only way to reduce fuel prices is to reduce our dependence of oil, like if we used electric cars!! It would also improve our environment.


ANWR is a beautiful piece of land. It is the located near the Beaufort Sea in the Northeastern corner of Alaska. It is surprisingly large but many people say this is the reason we could drill here. But no, this land is filled with animals that come here to calf, birds nest here, animals den here, and they breed here; and only here! We do not want to mess this up. We could lose many animals species if we drilled. ANWR is untouched with beautiful trees, tundra, mountains, and even beaches! Lets keep ANWR beautiful. You may not find such diverse, beautiful land, and population of animals anywhere else!