Monday, May 3, 2010


This will be my farewell post. Today is the day my blog is due! Hallelujah! This blog has been a good experience for me. Its something i am glad i know how to do now. So for the people who have been following me, if any, i thank you. This problem does mean a lot to me. There are not many places left in the world that are as beautiful and untouched as ANWR is. Many people and animals could lose their homes if there was to be drilling in ANWR but hopefully this blog got you thinking about the future. Electric cars are the future. We need them for so many different reasons and it would definitely help out the ANWR situation a lot. So please, always keep this issue in your mind. We do not want any more oil spills to happen like BP and Exxon Valdeez. If we were to drill, it is a huge possibility. Let us keep our world as beautiful as we can and not drill in ANWR! Again, thank you for those who have followed me on this important issue! To learn more about this issue and how to help click this link.

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