Monday, May 3, 2010

Oil Spill

I am sure everyone has heard about the disastrous oil spill that happened in the Gulf of Mexico. This spill is even worse than the Exxon Valdez! BP was the oil company that caused the spill...BP is using chemicals to break up the oil but people are figuring out that this could cause many environmental problems. "On Thursday BP began using the chemical compounds to dissolve the crude oil, both on the surface and deep below, deploying an estimated 100,000 gallons. Dispersing the oil is considered one of the best ways to protect birds and keep the slick from making landfall. But the dispersants contain harmful toxins of their own and can concentrate leftover oil toxins in the water, where they can kill fish and migrate great distances". BP has bought pretty much the entire supply of this dispersant and it could actually run out. Then what would they do? This chemical they are using is known to cause headaches, puking, and problems with reproduction. People say it could have a worse affect than the actual oil! Stuff like this makes me so sad. This is causing many fisherman who get there money from the fish they catch to not make any money..Now, this is the same thing they would be doing in ANWR..why would we want to risk the beautiful land and rare species of this area?

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