Saturday, May 1, 2010

History Repeats Itself

So this is not really the top on my priority list on this beautiful weekend but it has to get done. I have heard recently about oil spills that have happened in the gulf of Mexico. This oil spill has been compared to the Exxon Valdez that happened in the Prince William Sound in Alaska. This has pretty much wrecked the tourist and seafood industries in Mexico. The beautiful wildlife is also greatly threatened here. When the Exxon Valdez hit Alaska 21 years ago, it was devastating. This area of Alaska still isn't fully recovered. They are predicting the area when the oil spill happened in Mexico still wont be recovered in 100 years! President Obama will be visiting there soon. Hopefully this will change many peoples minds about drilling in Alaska. This same thing could and probably would happen there is there was drilling.

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